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Bad Man's Good Daughters Edited

2022-05-08 00:00:04

Hi my handle is hard93. This is the edited version of my first story here.

I hope that you will enjoy it better. I've added a few story elements to add interest for those who have read my first version. It should make it worth the read.

The following story is all fiction, with none of the events or characters based in reality. Not to say that the same the events written here do not occur in reality; there may be someone out there whose life resembles this story. It does contain sex with teenagers; if you find this offensive please discontinue reading. This story is about life, love and betrayal, how over coming pain can change your life. So enjoy.

How do we start this? I am Joe a 35-year-old man, I was married 17 years ago to a beautiful woman, she was a Latina beauty with mahogany eyes and hair, she was five foot, seven inches tall, hundred and fifteen pounds, 38C-25-38 with supermodel looks. She could stop traffic in a pair of tight blue jeans and tank top. Her major problem was she knew it. She gave me two beautiful daughters early in our marriage, now Amanda age sixteen and Megan age fourteen, both with dark hair almost black, deep brown eyes, and deep tan skin. They appear to be a younger version of the mother with the same supermodel looks.

As fate would have it she was taken from me just eight months ago. Five weeks ago her will was read. Then my world crumpled as I found out that both my daughters actually were not my children. What had been, up to my wife’s illness, a perfect life and family was a lie. According to a letter attached to the will, my deceased wife had being carrying on an affair during our early marriage. She had been blackmailed into her actions by her ex-boyfriend who had pictures and video of her being slutty. She didn't want to chance losing my love. So she allowed him to have sex for his silence and a little cash from time to time. He insisted that they never used birth control as part of his blackmail; as a result she became pregnant twice. Our prenuptial agreement would have left her absolutely nothing if it been consensual, leaving her with the burden of proving that she was blackmailed.

I had loved her desperately but doubt is a terrible thing, it will tear away at any belief. I'm not sure just how much I actually believe her. A fiction is easily written to make you out as the victim. Some facts could be checked, and a paternity test will confirm some of her statements. Given the infrequent sex life I had with her during our first three years of marriage the opportunity definitely was there. She claimed that she had ended his domination. Afterwards he died in a car accident just a day later. She gave his name, I'm managed to verify that is true he had died four months after Megan was born.

If my wife would have come to me, told me of this scheme to blackmail her when it began, I would have gotten private investigators to track down everything this man had. To make him stop I used every means; I'm dealt with the blackmailer. My family came from old money with its share of scandals. Blackmail stops when you stand up to them; by being ready to face the scandal, gather your evidence of the blackmail, and reverse it. I'm going to the police, you’re going to jail. Not always easy, but with professional help doable.

I make an appointment for both girls, telling them it's an annual physical which it is, but also their DNA will be collected for verification. Given the results I may be changing my will I haven't decided what I may do.

Life goes on, a few weeks after the girls appointment I received the DNA results. On reading, I do find that my fears are true, I am not their father. Both girls had the same father, matching my wife’s account. A little more digging in this man's background I find is parents, and from them I retrieve materials he was using to blackmail my now dead wife. His father put $2000 I offered in exchange in his pocket. He then told me a different story that they were lovers. That she had kept him at her whim, using him whenever she had the itch, as he put it.

The blackmail materials had several DVDs showing that he was fucking my wife up to Megan's conception, over most of the first three years of our marriage, some pictures which predate this. From the images on the DVDs, it did not appear any coercion was in use, but looked like the slut had enjoyed it. My suspicions were confirmed especially, when the bitch asked at the end of at least two of the recordings. “Same time tomorrow?”

As for the girls, in some way in my mind I stopped looking at them as my daughters. May be it was the fact that I watched the DVDs and from the time recorded I figured out which one she was impregnated on, and hearing her scream. “I POPPY CUM IN ME NOW, GIVE ME A BABY.” That was enough make me hate that woman. No matter what we shared after I will hate her for that. I can't even say her name anymore.

Needless to say, I was greatly hurt, angry to the point of being totally enraged, and more confused than I ever had been by all this. The will instructed that the girls were not to know until after Megan reached her 18th birthday. The will gave me the guardianship of them. How do I look them in the eye and still act as a loving father.

The girls had nothing to do with that, they were innocent. When you do not understand why someone is angry you naturally believe it was something that you did. The girls believed something they were doing had enraged me. They didn't go to the reading of the will, and not knowing of their mother's infidelity or the circumstance of their birth had no idea what I was dealing with.

At one point, they asked me why I had begun to treat them differently. What have they done to make me angry at them?

“Why are you so pissed off Daddy? Did we do something to make you so mad?” Amanda asked one day after school. She had no way of knowing that I watched those damned DVDs while they were at school. I had no idea what I was hoping to find by watching them. So far all I've found with more pain.

“No Amanda, I'm sorry you didn't do anything. I'm not mad at you or your sister.” When Amanda and Megan hugged me, I'm not sure if it was the fact I did not see them as my daughters, or they look so much like the woman I fell in love with. I found myself daydreaming about how good it would be to make them scream the same words their mother had. Her mother would role-play as one of them; I could hear Amanda screaming the words from one of our fantasy lovemaking adventures.

I had to excused myself and return to my room to sort out my feelings, on one hand I was angry enough at their mother to go through with it. Have them act out one of the recordings, me replacing their father and them their mother. I hated myself once I realized I was transferring my anger to them. Their innocence held me back, how could I do that to those girls who love me, as truly as any child could. At least I realize that they do not deserve any of the punishment that I would've dealt the two lovers.

I decided to treat the girls, as who they were, young, beautiful, and innocent, girls who knew nothing of their mothers treachery. I decided that I would enjoy their company as always to forgive them of their accidental birth. Because who can pick who your parents are.

Later that evening at dinner, Amanda had cooked. She had taken over many of the tasks her mother preformed. “I think you're becoming a better cook than your mother ever was.”

Amanda said. “I miss mummy.” As she looks at me, a confused look comes over her face as I realize I did not hide my anger. She had no clue as to what a bitch her mother had been.
Amanda asked. “Why are you mad Daddy did I do something?”

"You did not, your mother did." I blurted out before even thinking. Both girls were in tears seeing my anger not knowing the cause. Only that I was mad at the beloved mother for no known reason.

“I'm sorry it’s not you girls. I'm having a harder time with your mothers passing that I thought.” I'm not sure if that's a lie or not, after the first three years our marriage was good, no it was great. She was very affectionate and playful; she took care of the house well, and was always there for the girls and me. She even initiated sex on many nights, I still missed that. She had become the perfect wife and mother. Then she fell ill, if not for her death, I may have never known.

The fact that she allow herself to get pregnant by him twice, and never by me. I'm having trouble getting over her betrayal; even if it started as blackmail it seems she began to enjoy it, more than me, or did she even love him more than me. That's the idea that’s killing me. I'm going to have to let go of this anger. To move beyond it, so I can enjoy my life.

“Girls do you know what the seven stages of grieving are?” I asked to tears stained faces. As they slowly shake their head no.

“Everyone grieves differently and over different time periods for them, but there are seven stages everyone goes through. First shock and denial, second Pain and guilt, third anger and bargaining, forth depression and loneliness, fifth the upturn, sixth Reconstruction, seventh acceptance. I'm stuck in third. Sorry girls, this isn't your fault you been wonderful, but I've been having a tough time.”

Both girls come around the table to comfort me by hugging me and kissing me on my cheeks.
“We love you Daddy.” Both girls say as they hold me tight for a few minutes.

After a while as they do their best to comfort me, all I managed to choke out with my emotions running so high is. “Thank you girls.”

They do make me feel better so I tell them. “I will clean up. You two go find something fun to do.”

Gathering and rinsing the dirty dishes and putting them into the dishwasher, I'm not paying much attention but all of a sudden I noticed the house is very quiet. Too quiet, anyone who has raised kids knows when it gets that quiet, go check on the kids there up to something. The last plate is loaded anyway, I quietly close the dishwasher. Walking quietly through the house to find what the girls are up to.

The living room lights are off, but I can tell that the widescreen TV is on. A cold chill runs down my spine as I realize I haven't removed that damn DVD from the player. The sound must nearly be off because as I stand in the doorway I can barely hear anything. The girls are there with their hands over their mouth trying not to make any noise, as they watch the recording of their mother’s betrayal in total shock.

I hesitate not knowing how to break it to them or how much they should know. How much they have seen? I did not have to wait long for the answer to that question. I heard my wife’s voice, even though the TV’s speakers were at a very low volume it seemed to echo around the room. Perhaps a lie may be kinder than the truth. At least their mothers lie has some truth that I can show them. I will have to do a lot of damage control and quickly.

I turn on the lights the girls jump, Amanda quickly turns off the TV.

“Girls I'm sorry you saw that.” As I walk toward them to talk.

Amanda asks. “Daddy is that why you're so pissed off?”

All I can do is shake my head yes in response. A tear is running down my cheek, sadness or frustration it doesn't matter if there, and the girls see it.

“We’re sorry. We did not know.” Amanda begins with tears streaking down her face. I hold my arms out Amanda rushes into me holding me tightly crying on my chest. Megan comes and wraps herself around Amanda side and mine crying into my chest as well.

I'm doing my best to comfort both girls. Nothing seems to work, I began kissing them on the top of their heads. “Listen I love you and nothing else matters. You’re my girls and nothing else matters.” They finally look up as I say this. I gently kiss each on their forehead. The girls both say “I love you.”

“I never wanted you to know about that. In time I would have dealt with it and you would never have to know.”
Megan is extremely bright child near genius level, her math skills are exceptional, science and biology comes easily to her, even in advanced classes she still straight A+ student, but Book smart doesn't always mean you have enough common sense to keep your mouth shut.

I don't know when it came to her but she blurted out. “Did you see the date? The date on the video it was nine months before Amanda was born. What mom said did you hear that?” Amanda now cries uncontrollably into my chest, moaning. “No. No. No. No.” My heart is breaking knowing just how she feels.

She pulls away looking me in the face. “It's.. Can’t be.. NO.. PLEASE NO!” She’s too upset to make a full sentence. Or she just reads the sad confirmation on my face, the same face she saw when I had to tell her some other painful news, about a pet, and then the same face when telling her about her grandparents and later her mother.

“I never wanted you to find out. It doesn't matter, I love you.” I try to pull her back to me but she slips away and runs to her room.

I can feel Megan nervously shaking against me. “Daddy I look just like Amanda, if she wasn't two years older than me people would say we’re twins.” Before I can say anything Megan reads my same expression that Amanda did and she knows as well.

“I love you Megan, nothing else matters.”

Megan grows angry and shouts. “HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? IT MATTERS. MY MOTHER WAS A BITCH TO HURT YOU. I DON'T KNOW EVEN WHO I AM.” She pulls away and runs to her room slamming her door.
Feel like smashing the whole DVD player right through the TV. I'm so mad at myself for leaving that damn disk in it. How could I let this happen? Why was I so careless with that damned disk?

I don't want to talk to the girls when I'm in this state. Anger makes for poor negotiating. I do my best to calm down and bring myself under control. It takes several minutes before I am calm enough to handle talking to the girls. I’ll start with Amanda.

I knock on Amanda's door, waiting a few moments knock one more time, without a response I open her door. Amanda is on her bed with her face buried in her pillow weeping uncontrollably. I walk over setting down on her bed and start gently rubbing her back. I sat there just gently rubbing her back without saying anything. After a very long time, her tears begin to stop. She rolls over and looks me in my eyes.

Why would she do something like that? She knew how much it would hurt you. She told me to never cheat on the man I love. She knew it was wrong but she did it anyway.” Amanda is hurt and frightened. I can only imagine what's going through her mind, her mother is dead. I'm not her father. Is she afraid that I may reject her? Send her to that man she doesn't know. What if he rejects her too? She could be an orphan poor and homeless?

“Yes Amanda I am mad and hurt, by what she did. She said she was blackmailed into doing those things, he had pictures of her, that she did not want anyone to see.”

“Blackmail dad, I don't believe it. That is bill shit; she was enjoying herself a woman can tell. She was a bitch to hurt you. And now that you know,”

I cut her off before she could say anything else. “Amanda I love you, I fed you, changed you, set with you when you're sick. I held you when you cried. I've been your dad from the day you were born. Hell I've even bled for you. Nothing will ever change that. You're my girl and you always will be. Your mother gave me you and Megan at least two good things came of it.”

Amanda asks. “When did you bleed for me?”

“When you were a toddler you somehow got a knife from the countertop while I was making dinner. It was my entire fault; I should have been watching you better. To get it back from you I got cut pretty bad on both of my hands. Your mom comes home seeing you in the playpen covered in blood she screamed at me thinking you were hurt. Then she saw my hands wrapped in bloody towels, she made me go to the hospital. Good thing too, apparently I was cut more severely than I had thought.” I hold my hands so Amanda could see the old scars now just pencil lines on my palms.

She sets up, and then throwing her arms around me pulls me into her. “I love you. But you're not my father.”

“That doesn't change how I feel about you, I love you.” She does something I hadn’t expected. She rises up and gives me a kiss directly on my lips holding there. Her mother had made me teach her how to kiss, saying it's better for me to teach her, then have some punk kid with a hidden camera. Now I wonder if that's how all this got started. It feels like minutes but I know it was only seconds before I begin the return her kiss. Before I realize what was happening the kiss became hot and passionate. I break away pulling back to look at her.

“What's wrong Joe?” The first time in her life she is called me Joe. I'm not daddy anymore. That hurt more than anything.

“You just called me Joe.” I state trying to hold back my disappointment.

“I can't call you father because you're not. Daddy is a form of father.” She moves up to kiss me again.

“I'm sorry we can't. Megan is going through this as well.”

Amanda’s eyes go wide with shock as she realizes her sister is her full sister. “That bitch not once, but twice she did that to you.” Again she read my face and sees the truth.

I said “Megan figured that out on her own.” as I raised pulling Amanda to come with me. “We need to go help your sister.” Amanda nods and follows me to Megan’s room.

I knock and wait with no response; I simply walked into her room. Megan turns away from me. I set down on her bed, again rubbing the back of one of my precious girls. After a few moments Megan rolls over to look at me, through tear stained eyes.

“I'm sorry it does matter, but it doesn't change the fact that I love you. I loved you from your first breath, I will love you till my last.”

Megan sets up and hugs me tightly kissing my cheeks. “I love you too.”

I make eye contact with Amanda, and mouth. “You too.” Amanda’s half smile is enough to let me know she understands.

After a while curiosity is more than Megan can stand. Nervously Megan stammers. “What.. What are you.. What are you going to do? What about that man? Who is he?”

“I'm going to love you, you’re my Megan.” Megan is calmer after hearing this.

“That man was your father and died shortly after you were born.” After saying this both girls exchange a look.

“So we’re orphans?” Megan asked.

I then set both girls down on Megan's bed close to each other, taking her desk chair and facing them. Then I take one of their hands, and then looked them each into their eyes. “Your mothers will appoints me as your guardian, so nothing changes. I will do what I've always done. Love you. I can't change that about me, everything can be just like before.”

Amanda states. “Everything is different Joe.”

Megan passionately states. “You're not our father, that bastard is dead and good riddance.”

I'm not sure how or where to go from here. How many times do I need to tell them I love them, how many ways I can show them that I love them.

Amanda speaks with more emotion pulling me into her eyes. “You're not our father, we’re not your daughters, it's not the same, how can you love us the same?”

“I do.” I say but it came off as week protest.

“You love us, it can't be the same, and it’s all changed now.” Amanda leans forward to whisper in my ear. “Now you can fuck my brains out, and it's not incest.” Smiling she sets back onto the bed.

Oh my God, Amanda just hit on me. The shock is on my face. To kiss is one thing; did she want to actually go that far, change our relationship forever. Megan nervously begins to giggle at my expression. I feel my heart beat nearly double and there's a strain in my boxers has my body's reaction does not match what my brain is trying to tell it.

Amanda demands an answer. “Isn't that true?”

I can't control my body any longer, there's a large twinge in my stiffening penis to her words. My thin shorts and boxers do little to hide my erection as the loose material begins to tent. Her statement is definitely half true, it wouldn't be incest. As for the other half my body tense to lean toward true as well.

Amanda’s free hand falls over the end of my stiffening manhood pressing it against my thigh. Her hand gently squeezes, and her eyes staring into mine. Amanda’s hand feels so good on me; under her hand my manhood comes to full hardness. A devilish smile crosses her face now not needing an answer to either half of her statement.

Amanda had a severe daddy crush that my wife used to tease me about. She would often say. “One of these nights you’re going to find her wrapped around that monster of yours.” Sometimes she would role play, acting like she was Amanda. In that role seducing me and once we began she would always make me refer to her as Amanda. Part of that role playing she would say. “I'm not your daughter I'm your Amanda.” And later on when Megan fell under her daddy crush she did the same using Megan as a target of her fantasy. Was she confessing that my daughters were not mine, or simply preparing me for this moment.

Amanda let go quickly then drew her hand back, as she did my erection sprung up as high as the materials would allow.

Megan gasps as she saw it bounce upward. “What did you say Amanda?”

Amanda repeats “Now you can fuck my brains out, and it's not incest. Isn't that true?” Megan stares opened mouth at Amanda. I am still stunned and not able to find my voice.

I finally get the nerve to open my mouth. “It's true it wouldn't be incest.”

Amanda's body shows her arousal, her nipples are hard showing through the thin material of her tight white t-shirt, the crotch of her cut-off jeans shorts are damp from her womanly wetness, and the intoxicating aroma is unmistakable. It does nothing but strengthen my own body’s reaction, my hard on is very uncomfortable straining to rip itself free. It’s now that I realize how long it's been since I last made love, although fairly fast my wife's illness still lasted just over a year, it's been eight months since her passing. Nearly two full years I've been celibate.

“Girls it's been a very long day, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to go get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow, a little more time may let us think more clearly.”

I turn and quickly leave closing the door behind me. In the Hall I over hear Amanda and Megan, I know I shouldn't but I can't stop myself from listening.

Megan “Oh my God, you just thrown yourself at him.”

Amanda “You heard him, it's not incest. So why not, he makes me horny as hell. I can have him now. I think I'm going to.”

Megan giggles “Okay I'll admit it too. I get wet thinking about him every night.”

Amanda "Remember the days when we got out of school early. When we got home, we heard them in their bedroom. Mom was role-playing, acting like she was one of us. We sneaked up to their bedroom door to hear them better.”

Megan “Yes I remember, that was so hot.”

Amanda “Remember how I went in to the bedroom just a little, mom saw me with my hand down my pants.”

Megan “Oh my God what did she do?”

Amanda “She smiled, motioned for me to leave. Later when we were back in our rooms, she came and talked to me. She told me she was dying, that hurt. I cried the longest, she just held me. Then she told me after she dies that we should take care of Joe. After that she started making him give me kissing lessons.”

Megan "You mean mom was having him make out with you?”

Amanda “Yeah she had him kiss me just like a boyfriend, one time she even talked him into feeling me up so I would know how to stop a boy from doing that.”

Megan giggles “Did you like him touching you? What did you like?”

Amanda giggles. “Yes! At first it was really good it felt amazing, I didn't try to stop him. Then mom made him do it more like a boy my age would. That didn't feel as good, then mom made me try to stop him. It took a couple tries but he helped by showing me a hold to use on boys. She got so sicker after that we never did anything else.”

Megan is very quiet; I cannot hear what she says now.

Amanda is nearly as quiet I only catch a couple of words but what words. They are fuck his brains out.
I quickly turned quietly walking to my bedroom I have a feeling that I'll need whatever rest I can get.

Entering my darken bedroom, I disappear from view, just as I hear Megan's bedroom door open. From within my bedroom I can see Amanda walking back to her room. I wait until she has closed her door before pushing mine to. As my eyes adjusted I move to undress in the master bath, I follow my normal routine which is more difficult due to my hard on screaming for attention.

I go to bed close my eyes and try to sleep, but over and over my mind travels back to Amanda's words, fuck his brains out. It's been many long minutes and still no sleep just every time I close my eyes there is Amanda saying that one time after another.

Looking at the clock it's barely 11 PM, when my door opens slowly. I can tell its Amanda by her height she is 3 inches taller than Megan, but it’s about time for Megan's last growth surge. She steps in, closing the door behind her, and again I paused wondering what to say.

“Amanda,” she freezes at the sound of my voice. “What are you doing here?”

“You said yes. Your body said yes. I'm here to fuck your brains out. I wanted to for the last four years. Now I am going to.” She had been moving closer as she spoke, now at the foot of the bed. I reached to turn on the lamp so I could see her clearly. The light caused her to stand still while her eyes adjusted; there she stood fully nude, every inch of her was beautiful, thinner than her mother, 36C-24-36 a perfect hourglass figure a goddess in her own right. I felt my resolve vaporize instantly. I love her, not because she was my daughter we both knew she wasn’t, but for her, loved her spirit, her body, her mind the whole package. Amanda is right everything has changed.

I threw back the blanket that covered me. I revealed my erection which was a good 9 inches long by 3 1/2 inches wide. Her eyes had just readjusted to the light, this was the first time she saw my nude body, and sure she has seen me in my trunks as we swam together many times. This is the first time she seen my fully erect penis, an erection she caused.

Amanda stands there looking at me; her eyes are fixed on my cock. “Oh God it's beautiful and so big.”

I take her hand and pull her onto my chest and begin to kiss her passionately, her hard nipples rubbed through my chest hair grinding in small circles as she moves her body she moans into our kiss. I feel her tilt her hips and raise one leg to straddle me, as she settles down to me, her clitoris rubs against my enlarged member causing a second moan to escape her throat. I begin to slowly thrust my hips moving my cock over her clit. As I pull back till the crown of my cock it bumps across her clit, she moans loud and she pulls away arching her back. Once she's high enough for me to latch onto her left breast my mouth seeks her areola and nipple. Her nipple is standing hard and erect like an eraser from first graders pencil dark brown like chocolate drop on dark caramel, my mouth hungrily licks and sucks at her breast. My left hand cups her right breast playing with the nipple and gently massaging her breast.

Amanda moans. “Oh God yes I needed to touch you, I needed for you to touch me. Oh yes Suck my tits.” She straining her hips against me then sliding up and down my manhood. Now it's my turn to moan from the pleasure she's giving me. I switch sides to pleasure her other breast. She is beginning to speed up her motions her hips moving faster along my manhood. It's fully wet from tip to base. Her aroma fills the room; she begins to shake as an orgasm takes her young body. I’ve heard Amanda in her room masturbating at night. I know this isn't the first orgasm but it seems to be longer and louder than her normal self-induced orgasms. Before she even fully recovers I pushed her over onto her back sliding down between her legs to lick at that gorgeous pussy. Her pubic mound is covered with thin short curly dark hair, her scent permeates it. I grab her thighs and she willingly spreads them, her lips open as her thighs spread wide. In the low light her beautiful body is open to me. I lick from bottom of her pussy to her clitoris in one long slow pass. She squirms as I proceed; Amanda’s clitoris is over an inch long standing straight out fully erect and outside of its protective hood.

Wrapping my tongue around it I slowly draw back and forth, putting my whole mouth over that area of her clit. Two strokes and Amanda’s hands are holding my head tight to her; she thrusts her hips to force her clit deeper into my mouth. As I suck and stroke her Clit she screams in passion as a strong orgasm takes her. I'm glad I put her on birth control after her fifteenth birthday. She's never had a boyfriend more than two weeks so I am pretty sure she is never done any of this with one of her former boyfriends.
I move back onto my pillow looking at her beautiful face as she slowly comes back from her bless. I watch her chest how it rapidly rises and falls, hard nipples stand out still, yet her legs quiver ever so often. After just a short time her breathing becomes regular, Amanda says. “That was the most intense orgasm I had in my entire life.”

Teasing her I say. “Bet I will do better next time.”

Amanda quick witted. “Okay I’ll take that bet, double or nothing.”

“So I don't do it as well, you get two more.” I fully intend to just barely lose that bet at that moment.

“Oh yes but if you win, I'll give you a blow job.” Amanda is smiling ear to ear. I may try hard now and see if I can win.

I kiss her passionately getting closer to her, letting my hands run over her body touching every inch of her. My hands run across her hard nipples she moans into my mouth. Teasing, touching, massaged, and lightly pinching the nipple causes her to arch her back pressing her breasts to my hands. Her hands are on mine urging me to massage faster. I gently press her right leg with my foot to allow me room to move between those delightful legs. As I remove my hands in place them beside her shoulders, and rise up placing myself above her, A look of total excitement is crossed Amanda's face, resting on my knees and left hand, using my right to gently slide my manhood up and down her slit, each time I pump her clit a long moan follows.

Positioning myself now at her entrance, her eyes me mine. “Oh yes Joe do it drive that monster all the way in me make me come all over it.” I gently sink into her moving only a few tenths of an inch, stretching her slowly. I reached about half way down she grabs my hips and thrust upwards taking the second half in one quick movement.

“Oh now I know why you were moving so slow.” She's never had anything in her as big or deep as I am. Now resting fully in her, Amanda’s breathing is tense. “Relax I'll stay still till you do we'll enjoy it better once you relax.” Begin kissing her passionately she's kissing me back with all the passion she has. She still very tight but the rest of her body has relaxed. So I begin a slow short stroke only moving an inch or so. With no sign of discomfort I begin a longer stroke point out just past her G spot then plunging back in to near her cervix.

In just a minute she is moaning loudly as each stroke stimulates her body closer and closer to climax.
“Oh my God that feels so good. Yes Daddy Fuck me. Fuck me, I love you Daddy, fuck me hard.

“I love you Amanda.” As I begin a faster stroke pull out till only the head remains in and diving to her full depth. With each stroke Amanda cries out, “yes” “yes” “oh” “oh yes” till she screams “OH YES I'M CUMMING, DADDY I'M CUMMING FUCK ME DADDY,” I drive in her as quick as I can bring myself to orgasm near her climax. I screamed. “AMANDA I'M CUMMING” I go rigid pushing deeper into her. Amanda spasms with each rope of Cum I fire into her womb, screaming “I FEEL IT I FEEL YOU CUMMING.”
I'm vaguely aware of the bed shifting heavily seen Megan fall onto it.

I'm breathing heavily as Amanda goes limp under me. I roll to the center extracting my still hard penis, having just fired my sixth or seventh rope of semen deep in Amanda. I just have enough strength to pull Amanda close in to me. Cuddling her to me I tell her. “I love you Amanda.”

“I love you too.” Amanda says between kisses she is placing on my neck.

“Sleep, I going to sleep soon.” I gave her all my energy in nature demands rest. Just on the edge of consciousness I hear

Megan. “Is he done for the night?”

“Yes” I moan not sure if it actually came out before sleep stole me away.

In the morning I awake to the warmth of Amanda cuddled to my chest her head resting on my shoulder. I had missed this, waking up with a beautiful nude woman next to you. The bed shifts again and Megan rolls back to my side. Now this I could really get used to. Two beautiful women right next to me every morning would definitely give a man reason to get up.

I gently kiss Amanda roll her over so I can extract myself from the bed. She gently rolled back to her back. I move softly as I do not want to disturb the girls. Despite my best efforts I awaken Amanda, she smiles and getting out of the bed in heading to the bathroom. Amanda has finishing her morning pee when I'm arrived to do the same. She stands back and watches with interest as I relieve my stretched bladder. “Ever see a man pee before?”

“No, first time for that too. Have a lot the first in the last day.”

“Yeah which firsts did you have?”

Thinking she says, “First porn where I knew someone in it, first time I saw you nude and hard. First time I touched a hard penis. First time I ever got oral sex. First time I have sex. First time I've ever had more than one orgasm in a night. First time I slept nude with you. Oh first time I had sex with an audience.”
I chuckled. “That’s first for me too.”

“Joe, I had one more first last night first last time. The last time I'll be with anyone for the first time. Never am I going to be with someone other than you. I made up my mind you’re it. I don’t want another man. When you stop being my Guardian I want you to be my husband, I want to be mother to your children.” Amanda pulls me into a passionate kiss; the longer we kiss, more I want the same thing.

“Oh what are we going to do about Megan? You saw how she came last night, as nude as you, ready to jump my bones I just didn't have anything left after you.”

“Fuck her brains out just like you did for me. She needs to be loved just like I do. We talked for a long time last night after you left we talk to Megan's room for a little while. Then she came to my room and we talk a lot longer. We decided that what mom did wasn't fair to you. The cheating was one thing that hurt you, but she robbed you of having children. We’re both going to make up for that. We both love you, and couldn’t decide which one of us should be with you, we both want to be. So we decided to share you. Megan wants to start birth control until she is 18, I'll stay on birth control until I am 18. When we’re 18 we will both start having children, your children. You've given us everything we have ever wanted. We know you will be a great father. We will be happy to be your women, and I will love you until my last breath.”

What could a man say to that? You would have to had ice water for blood, with no emotions to even consider not taking them up on that offer. Teenagers can change their mind in fifteen minutes, or hold to something forever. Hopefully it's forever and I'll be a happy man with two young lovers.

“You got this all planned out, are you sure?”

“Joe I've never been more certain of anything in my life.” Amanda says smiling brightly.
I pull her in tightly to me, kissing her passionately for almost a minute. She pulls away tell me. “Today is Megan’s day, I get you tomorrow. So don't get any ideas about repeating last night with me until tomorrow. Now go and give Megan what she's been wanting for a last couple of years.”

I shave and brush my teeth to finish most of my normal morning routine. Amanda has left for her own bedroom. Now it’s just me and Megan in the master suite. Last night with Amanda I didn't have to worry about her hymen, she lost hers in an accident while riding her horse; I was there, carried her to my car and brought her home. Megan on the other hand hasn't as far as I know lost hers.

Megan still asleep in my bed, I gently creep back into the bed with her. Cuddling up to her, Megan feels wonderful her nude skin touching mine is a high on its own. For the last two months I've been dealing with my wife's infidelity. Now it seems her actions have given me two perfect lovers. The calmness makes it hard to not fall asleep. I know Megan can sleep all day if I let her. A couple extra hours isn't going to hurt either of us it being Saturday. I will lay here enjoying her warmth until I awake later today.

A few hours later I no longer feel Megan near me, I come awake feeling lonely longing for her touch. I hear chatting coming from the kitchen. So I decide to join them. I just dress in boxers a pair of shorts, leave my chest bear. Walked into the kitchen, just as breakfast is being readied the eggs are just going into the hot skillet being prepared my favorite way.

“Good morning girls.” I called them.

“Good morning Joe.” They both call back.

I'm going to miss, good morning daddy, but the trade-off will be worth it. I didn't realize how much at ease I would be with this. Any time before my wife’s death I would have never considered such a thing. Now knowing the truth I find it comforting that my girls love me not just like a father, because what teenager doesn't rebel against their parents. I hope maybe my life with two teenage lovers, maybe better than with two rebellious teenage daughters. They never were any trouble. I noticed both girls are in just a T-shirt and panties normally they ware pajama bottoms too, but I really like this so I'll not complain their legs are gorgeous after all.

“Something smells delicious.” I'm giving a compliment to the girls.

Megan says. “Thank you, da, Joe.” She nearly calls me daddy.

“Megan you can call me daddy any time you want to. You have the last 13 and half years and I'm still the same person.” I smile back at her.

Megan “I'll call you Joe because I don't want you to think of me as your daughter.”

Given the conversation I had with Amanda this morning that is very understandable. Both girls are wishing to be my lover and wife. That may not requires us to stop thinking of each other as father and daughter, but it would make it easier for the both of us.

“Okay Megan that's what you want honey its fine with me.” I step behind her as she sets the table, I nuzzle and her neck and kiss her there by the table. She drives her backside into me playfully, and then rotates her hips rubbing my crotch with her fine ass.

Teasingly I say. “Megan wants gotten into you.”

Putting a finger to her lips she teases right back. “Nothing yet that’s the problem.”

“Well maybe this afternoon we will fix that.” I’m smiling back at Megan looking into her eyes. Her eyes shone lust, her mouth in a smile, his light blush to her face, her nipples hard and erect pushed against the thin material of her tight T-shirt. It was now that I realized I had been holding back, not allowing myself or the girls to show the full love and feelings we have for each other.

“I love you Megan like a husband loves his wife.” I whispered into Megan’s ear.

“Oh yes Joe, I love you too, just like that. I've been waiting for you.” Megan pushes her ass tight to me.

Amanda has brought the food to the table. Amanda asked playfully “Are you two, going to eat or not?”

The image of Megan on my bed legs spread wide and my head held firmly to her sweet clit flashes through my mind. I think better of saying anything that would get her hotter than she was now. I decide a slow tease would be more fun. “Amanda is right; we better have breakfast to keep up our strength.”

“You are going to need all the strength you have, Joe.” Megan says devilish grin looking at me.

We have a large around table that could easily fit eight people. Megan sets close to me on my right, Amanda is next to Megan. As we begin Amanda leans over and whispers something to Megan both giggle and turn and look at me. They have decided to do a slow striptease for me, both reach down taking the hem of T-shirts and slowly lifting them off their bodies. My mouth dropped; thankfully I didn't have any food in it, the image of them would be enough to melt an average iceberg.

All I manage to say Is. “Wow!”

The image of my girls’ perky teen breasts will be something I will remember forever. Megan's breast are not quite as large as Amanda’s 36 C cup breasts but at 34 B I'm sure in two years hers may be even larger, either way I will not be disappointed if they stayed just like they are.

“You better eat, Joe. I'm not waiting forever.” Megan says with a devilish grin.

I eat quickly, nearly burning my tongue with the hot coffee. I think I finish in record time as I get up to put my dirty plate and cup in the dishwasher. Amanda stops me. “I'll take your that Joe."

I had never before gotten her to put her own dishes away, now she's doing mine too. “Thank you, Amanda.”

“You keep doing to us, what you did to me last night you'll never have to raise a finger around here.”

“Baby I was a little rusty; it had been a couple of years. I should get a lot better real soon.” I’m smiling at them. Amanda’s nipples seem to have gotten even harder after I said this. The look on her face as if she is having an orgasm just from remembering last night.

“Joe, you do any better with me than what you did to Amanda. Okay just don't fuck me to death, please.” Megan teases.

“Megan very few people have ever died from sex he your age, it's usually the older people who have heart attacks from sex. I promise to be very gentle with you.”

“Not too gentle Joe, I want to cum with your monster all the way in me.” Megan's devilish grin is back.
After we finished breakfast Amanda clears away the dirty dishes and places them into the dishwasher for cleaning. When Amanda comes and sits back down with us I think it's the right time for us to talk.

“You know I love you both. The last thing I want to see are you two ever being hurt by any of this. I don't want either of you to be jealous of the time I spent with the other. It may be just Amanda is available in the afternoon and you're not Megan, but I'll try to make sure each of you each get attention from me. But I'm only one man can do only so much. If either of you have a problem you can always talk with me, it's better to bring a problem to light, then leave it to get worse. If I have a problem I want to talk it through with you women. I was having such hard time dealing with what your mother did till it came to light, and you help me through it. Thank you for that. I know that's in the past, this led us to this point. But if you have a problem with what have to say next we will talk through it now.

“Megan, me and Amanda had a conversation this morning. She said that you and she wanted to be my lovers, and to act as my wife in the future having my children. Is that correct?”

Amanda shakes her head yes.

Megan looks at me and begins to speak. “Amanda and I talked it over last night. I think it's the right thing for us all. It lets us maintain our lifestyle, giving each of us the love we want and deserve. Besides all the boys my age are done faster than they can get undressed, by what my girlfriends tell me.”

“So there's no problem with exclusivity between the three of us, I will not try to date anyone. I have the two of you I will never need anyone else; I'll never want anyone else. What I'm trying to say is that I love you both. As long as one of you wishes to continue this relationship I will have no problem remaining exclusive to you. The only thing I ask, if you wish to pursue another relationship that you talk to us both, before acting on that.” Both girls are listening closely what I have to say.

Amanda “I for one do not intend to ever have a relationship other than this one.”

“Amanda for a lifelong relationship can be hard to maintain, it requires a lot of work on all involved. I love you, more you'll ever know, and I will do everything I can to build this relationship even stronger. The same goes for you too Megan. If ever you find you do not want to keep our relationship going I would like to be first to know.”

Megan “I know I'm only fourteen and most people don't think that’s old enough to go into a lifelong relationship, but I'm more mature than most people would ever suspect.”

“Megan I didn't think you're mature enough to handle being in this relationship we wouldn’t be having this conversation, I know you're. But you also know are under legal age for this state, so no one not even your best friend can be told about this relationship. You can talk to Amanda or me. Don't tweet, MySpace or any other social media about this. Don't change your MySpace page to say you're in a relationship. Don't give anyone a clue to what happens in this house. They would be jealous to find out how perfect our lives are. Or for some reason which I have no idea, they will try to stop us from having what they themselves deny wanting.”

Amanda jokes. “I had a girlfriend once that would go out with any boy I said I liked. After she had stolen two good ones away from me, I picked some of the nerdish boys in my class she still went out with them.”

Megan giggles. “Is that Beth?”

Amanda laughs “Yes Beth does that but it's been good for her, grace improved, I think her nerd boyfriends do her homework.”

“Nonetheless that is a good example. What one person has another will try to get, or steal it. Lots of people when they can’t have it, we'll see they can destroy it, sometimes it seems more than ones who would just leave it alone.”

Megan brings up an important point. “Joe I'm not on birth control you know that, even though it's not the right time of the month for me to get pregnant the possibility is there. I've heard of the morning after pill let us have our fun today and not worry about pregnancy without using a condom. I don't want to have anything between us on our first time, and my very first time.”

“Looks like I'm getting cleaned up to run to a pharmacy for your morning after pill." I'm glad I had such a smart and loving girlfriend, can't say daughter that's not true, so girlfriend it is.

A devilish idea runs through my mind. “You girls have anything you want me to talk about now.”

Amanda says “other than what you can or better yet what they don't have to wear at home.”

“Amanda my girlfriend you don't have to wear anything.”

Megan “You mean we can run nude around here and it would not affect you.” I'm shaking my head yes he is both of girls remove their panties.

“I didn't say it would not affect me, I said you could if you wanted to. Of course if you're going to run nude I want to as well.” I am button my shorts can slip both boxers and shorts off. Exposing a raging hard on. Before asking Megan reaches over and takes it into her hand her fingers don't reach fully around. Her hand runs up and down my shaft.

“Oh my God Amanda you had this in you last night.”

Amanda giggles “Every last bit of it, it feels amazing having it fill up my pussy, if you don’t want to I'll be happy to let Joe put it back in me right now.”

“Amanda I didn't say that, if you can take his monster I can too. It’s impressive that this thing would fit in any girl without making her scream.”

Amanda giggles. “It made me scream alright, I think it will be making me scream the rest of my life.”

Megan giggles. “It did make you scream. If Joe makes me scream the same way I may be addicted to it as well.”

Joe “I'll do my best Megan to make you scream longer than your sister, in that same good way.”
Megan gets up and quickly straddles my thighs then pushing herself tight against me. “You promised to make me scream.”

I pull her into a passionate kiss first me ever shared, oh sure we kiss before but not like lovers. Holding her hips close to me, my free hand cups and massages her breast in just a moment she begins to moan in pleasure. I bring both hands to her breasts squeezing both, playing with her nipples really my thumbs across them. After we break our kiss, Megan arches her back, and I dive onto one of her breasts moving my hand to cup her ass. My mouth closes over her aerial sucking it in the nipple into my mouth. Run my tongue as far out as I can on her aerial then moving inward circling the nipple. My tongue attacks Megan's nipple, flicking it side to side.

Megan moans. “I could get used to you playing with my tits every day.” I speed up my tongue’s actions on Megan's breast.

Amanda has both hands playing with her breasts as well. “I know I want him too right now.”
I gently begin the rub my hard dick up and down her wet cunt. Megan she moans loudly. “Oh that feels so good. Yes.”

I want to make sure Megan is enjoying herself. Coming off her tit to moving my mouth the other, and taking into my mouth sucking hard her nipple and areola or pulled into my mouth. She moans loudly. “Oh yes, that's the first time I had my tits sucked.”

I rocked my hips side to side pushing against her. Her lips of her labia part moving to the side of my engorged penis, making it much easier to stimulate her clit. Feeling the little nob press against my cock I gently move up and down now. Megan eyes go wide as I stimulate her body.

“Stop I got to pee.” Megan demands. Then pulls away she runs to the powder room, setting on the toilet she doesn't pee, but the urge slowly goes away. Amanda giggles knowing that she just missed out on having an orgasm.

After leaving the powder room, she sets back down in my lap no longer straddling me but cuddles up with her head on my shoulder.

“Megan have you ever had an orgasm before?” I asked kindly as I can, trying not to hurt her feelings.
Without lifting her head Megan answers. “No I had never had one.”

Amanda teases her sister. “Silly girl you just about did before you jumped up.”

Megan almost looks angry. “You mean that feeling like I had to pee.”

Gently I say. “Megan that's the feeling you get just before you have an orgasm, the stronger the urge the more powerful the orgasm, some women have ejaculate, it called spurting. It's not like pee. It's clear and unlike anything else, call girl cum, most of time is only occurs with strong orgasms.”

Amanda asks. “Joe how do you know so much about girl’s cum?”

“Your mother was a spurter, I loved making her cum hard enough to spurt, and she went wild.” Wide smile comes across my face.

Megan asks. “You think we can learn to spurt too?”

“There's a good chance we could learn what it takes to make her body do that, may take a lot of practice and you telling me exactly what feels best.” Large devilish smile covers my face.

Amanda picks up on lot of practice with a devilish smile she says. “Oh I'm up for the practice any time you want.”

Megan almost lost in her thoughts picks up now a wide smile comes across her beautiful face. “Now that I know what to expect I'm up to try again.” Then she stands pulling me towards my bedroom.
After getting to the bedroom she stands the door until I entered, locking eyes with her sister to silently plead. “Let me do this by myself.” Then she closed the door.

I got on the bed and was watching as she turns back to me, running as she no longer had any hesitation. Jumping onto the bed she came straight to me, positioned herself just across from me, with her legs spread ready for my immediate invasion. I had other plans I knew I needed to warm her back up to give her orgasm; she was very wet now but I wanted her drenched, and dripping. I also didn't want this to be fast. I wanted to prolong it for it to last as long as I could. To give her a memory that she could enjoy the rest of her life, a first time that she would brag to her granddaughters about.

I positioned myself over top of Megan, and between her legs holding myself high enough to not make contact with any part of her body. She reached between us grabbing hold of my manhood. She rubbed me up and down her labia moaning as she crossed her own clit. I kiss her passionately, as she manipulated my manhood sliding it down to her vaginal opening, I draw back raising my hips causing her to moan in frustration. “You pulled away, why?”

“I want to give you at least one orgasm before we begin.”

“No.” She said forcefully. “I want my first orgasm to be on that big cock of yours. That's why I haven't had one before. I want you to give me my first orgasm during my first time making love.”

“Okay, I want for you to get close, the point where you begin to feel the urge to pee. While you're still tingling I will begin the intercourse. That should bring you to orgasm pretty quickly; I may be able to give you an orgasm that lasts some time.”

She nodded her head agreeing to what I suggested. I kissed her again and moved my kisses over her face her chin her neck her shoulders her upper chest her breasts her nipples, I